Monday, December 10, 2012

Concluding Thoughts

Author Ben Mezrich
Overall, I really enjoyed the book The Accidental Billionaires because as an avid Facebook user, I am very interested in the history and creation of Facebook. My one critique would be that the book itself focuses too much on social life and being in "high society" when it comes to Finals clubs (similar to fraternities.)  I did not focus on those aspects of the book in my project because it has little to do with the information society. However, this book is for entertainment value, so it is understandable that it is not completely related to the information society.

However, the aspects of the information society that Mezrich does touch on are extremely accurate and he presents them in an easily understood and interesting manner. It is often difficult to go in depth about complicated concepts relating to the information society when Mezrich's books are typically made for entertainment purposes, but Mezrich makes these concepts known and easily understood even for a person that is completely uneducated on the information society.

If you are interested in reading the book, here are some reviews of the book and of Ben Mezrich:

negative review-"The author’s lack of contact with his central character seems to have stupefied his storytelling skills."
positive review-"The Accidental Billionaires is a crisp, enjoyable ride.."
negative review-"Accidental Billionaires is neither a hard-hitting analysis nor a shocking expose of Facebook's origins"

Interesting articles related to the Accidental Billionaires:

LA Times article
NY Times article

Looking for where to buy the book? Go to!

Interested in the movie, The Social Network? Click this to see the movie trailer

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